Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cleaning out the cobwebs...

"Blame it on the rain..."

Milli Vanilli's pop song lyrics are fitting, but the melody is a little too...well, poppy! Anyhow, these last couple of days I've been really getting some cobwebs out - physically, emotionally, and mentally. Maybe it's the rain (and wind, hail, sleet...) - is it spring or winter again? I don't know if it is the actual weather, the season, my mental state or what, but I've been motivated to get spring cleaning underway. Literally, I sucked up so many cobwebs and sowbugs (these little pests are a major issue in my basement!) the last couple of days. It feels great. I've also been cleaning out junk - old clothes that I will never fit into again, old clothes that will never fit in again, posters I'll never hang up again, knick knacks that I can't remember their importance... Simplify, simplify, simplify. It's very cleansing, physically and mentally. I fully understand spring cleaning now! Mentally, my mind has been doing flip flops. I really enjoy where I am at with my career and location - the Oregon coast is beautiful! I love being so close to the ocean, my biggest environmental love. The storms, the waves, the sand. All of it. But my boyfriend and family aren't here, nor are the majority of my friends. Don't worry, I have found some friends here, but it's different now that I am drawn to seeing John every weekend - a single gal out on the town I am not anymore. Not that I regret this at all! But it does make it more difficult to meet people when I'm a homebody or in transit to Seattle. I want to thoroughly enjoy this area and part of my life. However, I also find myself jumping ahead to the next step - whatever that may be - going to UW for a PhD? Moving to Corvallis for school instead? Staying here and having John have to sacrifice his job to be with me? Moving to Seattle anyways without a job or school so I can be with John? I just don't know, and even though I am definitely a girl up for an adventure at most any time, sometimes I do like to know what the future may hold. I know, I just need to relax, but it just gets hard sometimes. Thus, the cleaning. Secretly I think that by cleaning things out, I am sort of beginning to prepare for a move...Let's see what happens...

1 comment:

jess said...

Those little sowbugs are the worst! I have a ton of them in my house. Luckily they are gobbled up by the ginormous spiders that also live in my house. Nature! Good luck making your big decision about what life has in store for you next, Beth! Sounds exciting! I think a PhD at UW is in order.....

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