Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Well, all I can say is that I'm trying really hard to keep up my blog. I'm trying...that's worth something, right??! I don't know if it's my inability to do anything productive when I get home from work lately, my boring life that doesn't require updating the blog, or me being too "busy" but I'm working on it! Enough already, here's the latest installment - in keeping with the list thing (ala Bridget Jones' Diary sans the dating drama)

1) I'm officially in my 30's. I subscribe to Sunset magazine - which I love but it always makes me wish I had more money and time to do all the fun things they suggest - renovate the kitchen! grow your own veggies! get away this weekend! Oh day when I'm retired...

2) Oh yeah, and I'm really in my 30's when I tell you this one: I bought a new vacuum yesterday and I LOVE it (see previous post)! I told John that I didn't know how much I could love one appliance. He's scared. I bought it from this cute little crippled man that runs the only vacuum store here in Astoria, I surprised him by buying it right then and there (I did come prepared to purchase). The Panasonic MC-UG471 is my new love. It sucks up everything - even in the corners - effortlessly! It has all the HEPA filters, and as Jim the vacuum guy said "metal parts where metal should be". Yay for things that are well-built and will last (and not made in China!). I think I might go re-vacuum...

3) I'm finally working on my scrapbook of travels through Europe in 2006. 4 years later ain't too bad is it? It's actually kinda fun to go through all the photos and stories and remember how great it was...although there are some photos and receipts, tickets, etc that I cannot for the life of me remember what they were from!

4) I was down in Santa Cruz, CA all last week attending meetings on salmon ocean ecology. Kinda ironic since I'm most definitely not a salmon-person. But I'm learning! I was there with my supervisor representing the birds-as-salmon-predators group. It's actually a fun group and I met a lot of great people (and got to see my old stomping grounds at the same time). Even jumped in the water for some very beginner-style surfing...

5) Speaking of surfing...and being in my 30's...I've noticed more creaks, pains, and aches nowadays. And I'm so bummed because my usual solution - Yoga Power Hour with Ute - is getting cancelled! I'm actually at the point in my yoga career where I kinda need it now. I'm not sure what to do, I better consult Ute (a German yogi - yes, German accent and strict demeanor combined with relaxation...makes for fun classes! Power Hour = "Powa Ouwa)

6) Last weekend, Poor John. Well, he should've known. We rented "The Cove" - the movie about the dolphin slaughter in Japan. A must see - by the way! I was reluctant to see it because I wasn't sure if this was a cultural thing, in which case I may not be opposed to it. However, it's pretty clear that this is not the case. Pretty alarming actually, especially the information about mercury contamination in all seafood. Jill has called me twice after she watched it to discuss! I'm very glad the message is reaching beyond marine scientists like me. Anyhoo, we watched The Cove which got me all fired up, then caught a matinee of Avatar on Sunday. This one I also wasn't really into seeing, but John was so off we went. And OMG - I loved it! I see why it's so hugely popular. I especially loved the depiction of the natural world and the serious environmental undertones and non-violent messages. Pretty cool. But poor John, because when I get fired up about an issue - especially the environment and the oceans - there's no stopping me! I'm glad he's patient and a good listener :)

1 comment:

jess said...

I, too, feel like I'm getting old with all my aches and various pains. My left knee sounds like a creaky door hinge most days. Also agree with you on the love of a great vacuum! Just splurged on a Dyson Animal a few weeks ago and its changed my life. Seriously. I no longer have a half-inch layer of Milo and Frank hair covering my floors. Love it!! And to wrap up being totally on the same page with you this post, I was soooo fighting going to see Avatar, and I ended up seeing it and LOVED IT. I'll have to see The Cove, although I'll probably be deeply disturbed by it.

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