Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ten Things Tuesday...ish

I know, I've been so neglectful of my favorite blog. And the thing is, I really like my blog! I guess I have just been busy...or something. But now is not the time for excuses! It's a new year, and I'm starting anew. I am starting Ten Things Tuesday (sorta) - the idea was stolen from my friend's blog. But since it's Wednesday, I'm calling it The Wednesday Weekly. For now. I'll get more creative soon. Anyhoo, I will attempt to update my blog at least once a week with some interesting tidbits about what I've been up to, my random thoughts and what-nots. Here goes!

1) Spring has sprung! Well, we have had quite the cold snap this week (I went on an early morning walk on Tuesday and found wet snow falling on me - it melted before it hit the ground) but in general the flowers are out, the sun is coming up earlier... Speaking of early morning - I can actually go out in the morning at 6:30 and see! Yay for longer days.

2) I stumbled upon this woman's website: 10 in 10 Diet the other day. Not that I'm on a diet, but her story intrigued me. She is saving a lot of money and eating simply, which thankyouverymuch I would like to do, too! Mostly it includes meals that can be made big and have lots of leftovers - easy peasy veggies, soups etc. So far, I'm really into it!

3) I went out on a limb last weekend and bought a pair of sandals that I never would have looked at twice. But my sister and I were at my cousin's shoe store - Mi Shoes - and most of the shoes she had weren't in my size. So I decided to try on some sandals and surprised myself with this pair:

Nicole "Peace" in Power

They're definitely funky! A little hippie, which I love. I'm a little concerned about the fat ankle factor, but I don't care. I'm committed. When John saw them he started hisssing - okay, there is a fake snakeskin look to them. But I'm kinda digging them and excited for summer.

4) My cutest niece - Frankie - has taken to naming all of her toys. There's "Chooch" - the train, "Slippery" the snake, "Chili" the penguin, "Slimey" the alligator, and "Neigh-na" the horse (almost named TrotTrot but switched at the last minute). How cute (and creative) is she?

5) As I was gleefully vacuuming tonight, I actually thought "This vacuum has lasted me so long, it's great!" It was so cheap when I got it, and really designed for a small studio not my massive house, but it kept on ticking. Well, until about a minute after my fateful thought. It made a horrible gagging noise and the motor slowly died...letting off a burnt rubber smell. Hmmm. Now I need a new vacuum - or perhaps a repair. But since this one cost about $89 I have a feeling a new one is in order. Probably a little sturdier model...any suggestions?

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